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Far-out! there’s a great lifestyle but what about a job?

What kind of jobs are there?

Central west business and industry offer contemporary, innovative and flexible workplaces. There are many job opportunities across both the public and private sector. We’re open-minded, ready to provide training and are looking for talent and people who want to make a new home.

The agriculture sector covers a wide variety of jobs, and is the largest employer in the region. Prefer a job indoors? The second highest employment sector in the region is public administration and safety. There’s also huge demand across all trades, education, health, and tourism and hospitality.

Part-time positions or picking up casual work that abounds during the tourist season can help boost bank balance while still keeping time free for family, travel, or study.

“Having firsthand experience and understanding of regional and remote areas, and the confidence to have a go has helped me stand out.”

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Professional development

If you’re willing to have a crack at it, anything is possible. Career progression and opportunities abound, with employers keen to invest in and retain employees.

Getting his tertiary study funded by his employer, Barcoo Shire Council, and the same offer for his wife was what helped seal the deal for Justin Kronk’s move to the central west.

RAPAD Skilling is the region’s Registered Training Organisation that delivers accredited training across a variety of key competencies targeting skills needs in our region.

Training providers and other professionals also travel to the region for training, workshops and conferences. Some of these opportunities can be delivered as part of government or council initiatives and can be free or for a small fee.

“The chance to travel to professional development and conferences is still very much on the table. I get more of a chance to attend than when I was in my city job competing to get approval to go.”


Same benefits, more life

The estimated average monthly income in CWQ ($5147) is more than on the Sunshine Coast and in Toowoomba and not far off estimated incomes in Townsville.

Many employers including state and local government offer five weeks annual leave. Add to that other benefits that can include flexible work schedules, and you’ve got even more time up your sleeve for yourself.


Christmas holidays sorted

At the end of year things begin to slow down around town with school break ups and Christmas festivities still keeping the social calendar ticking along. Some businesses opt to close a few weeks ahead of Christmas and after New Year’s offering a really peaceful time to hang out or a guilt-free opportunity to getaway, or a visit family for the holiday season.


Jobs for everyone

Thinking of moving but wondering what your partner will be able to do? Word of mouth is a powerful communication tool in the central west. Check out Alina’s story – before she made the move to Blackall to join her husband, she already had a job  lined up before she arrived.


Where can I get more information?

  • Job opportunities are posted on and
  • Council websites and Facebook pages.
  • Community Facebook groups are also a great place to ask for advice on where you can find work for your skills-set or to scope our work for your partner too.=

FarOut! Being your own boss is easier than you think

Central West Queensland communities have lots of opportunities for businesses.

Want to know more about job opportunities?

We’re ready to have a chat, or to give you any info you may need about job opportunities in the central west. Either fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch, or give us a call on 0448 739 759. We’re a laid back bunch and ready for a yarn.

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