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Get ahead? Go far out

“There are lots of opportunities in central-western Queensland to get ahead in your career, by getting a range of experience. It really helps you make some decisions about where you want to focus your energy going forward. Diversity is fantastic. I love that I don’t do the same thing two days in a row”

When Justin Kronk accepted the Corporate Service Manager position at the Barcoo Shire Council it came with more responsibility, more diversity and the option to study while working.

Rather than finding the step up in role and added tertiary study load challenging he’s found he’s got more time, is feeling less stressed and has dinner with his family every night, something that didn’t happen in his life before he moved far out.

“I love walking to work. I love walking home for lunch. The best part has been spending time with my family. We’ve seen amazing things and we’ve gone to amazing events already. And we get to have dinner together as a family every night,” he beams.

The slower pace has been an added bonus for Justin and his family after all they made to move to accelerate their career prospects.


Getting his tertiary study funded by his employer and the same offer for his wife was what helped seal the deal for their move.

The council is supporting me to complete a professional accounting qualification so I’ll be a CPA.

It makes it so easy because everything is online. As long as you’ve got a connection you can access everything you need to get a top-class qualification,” he said.

But it’s not only the qualification that will enhance his job prospects when he decides to return to the coast, the experience and responsibility he’s acquiring will push him to the top of the next interview shortlist.

“There are lots of opportunities in central-western Queensland to get ahead in your career, by getting a range of experience. It really helps you make some decisions about where you want to focus your energy going forward. Diversity is fantastic. I love that I don’t do the same thing two days in a row,” he said.

His family did think long and hard for the more isolated nature of their new home before they moved, but so far they haven’t experienced it.

“The only thing that we’re struggling with a little bit is getting rice milk because we have dairy intolerant people in our family,” he explains

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